Mastering the Art of Storyboarding for Webtoon Vertical Scrolls

TLDRLearn the secrets to effective storyboarding tailored for the unique vertical scroll format of webtoons. This how-to guide delves into panel layouts, dialogue incorporation, and pacing essential for webtoon creators.

Key Insights

Understanding Storyboarding Basics

  • 🔍
    Explore the fundamentals of storyboarding and panel layout for webtoons.
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    Discover how to integrate dialogue effectively within panels to enhance reader engagement.
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    Learn about utilizing the vertical scroll format to create a seamless storytelling experience.
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    Grasp the importance of thumbnailing and planning to prevent overcrowding and maintain art visibility.

Dynamic Panel Use and Flow

  • 💡
    Understand the impact of different panel sizes on readers' experience and pacing.
  • Study how directional flow within panels can convey motion and influence storytelling.
  • 🔀
    Learn about the 180-degree rule and maintaining consistency in visual narrative.

Advanced Techniques for Engagement

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    Gain insights into creating depth and perspective to captivate readers.
  • 🚀
    Experiment with camera angles and shots to emphasize characters' emotions or actions.
  • 🌟
    Identify when and how to use dynamic and extreme panels to elevate your storytelling.


  • What is the most important aspect of webtoon storyboarding?
    The most crucial aspect is planning the layout with dialogue and pacing in mind, ensuring the reader's experience is seamless.
  • How do gutters influence webtoon panels?
    Gutters, or the space between panels, enable time and action transitions, emphasizing the storytelling rhythm unique to webtoons.
  • Why is the 180-degree rule important in webtoons?
    The 180-degree rule ensures visual consistency, keeping characters and objects oriented correctly and preventing reader confusion.

Timestamped Summary

  • 📝
    00:00 Discussing storyboarding and optimal webtoon panel layouts.
  • 🗨️
    00:38 Highlighting the importance of including dialogue and word balloons in thumbnails.
  • 01:33 Explaining the role of gutters in depicting time lapse in comics.
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    02:29 Detailing different camera shots for varying storytelling effects.
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    04:01 Analyzing how full shots and mid shots focus on different story elements.
  • 😠
    10:45 Discussing the impact of facial emotions in close-up panels.
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    14:42 Addressing the use of dynamic and foreshortened panels for action.